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Proxy Evilginx outbound traffic, either to make reverse-proxy requests originate from a different IP or to help yourself with phishlet development and monitor outbound traffic with Burp Suite.

Evilginx supports two type of proxies at the moment:

  • HTTP proxy
  • SOCKS5 proxy

You can check the current proxy settings with:

: proxy

Let's set up a SOCKS5 proxy running on on port 8080.

First you need to start with setting up the proxy type:

: proxy type socks5

Then specify the address and port number:

: proxy address
: proxy port 8080

If the proxy server requires credentials for authentication you can set them up like so:

: proxy username <username>
: proxy password <password>

When you're ready, you can enable the proxy with:

: proxy enable

And when you want to disable it:

: proxy disable

Make sure to restart Evilginx whenever you enable or disable the outbound proxy. This is important as otherwise there may be already established connections, with improper proxy settings set up, until they close.


: help proxy


Configures proxy which will be used to proxy the connection to remote

show all configuration variables
proxy enable
enable proxy
proxy disable
disable proxy
proxy type <type>
set proxy type: http (default), https, socks5, socks5h
proxy address <address>
set proxy address
proxy port <port>
set proxy port
proxy username <username>
set proxy authentication username
proxy password <password>
set proxy authentication password